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Solid wood furniture maintenance tips
Release Time:2023-01-10 15:47:24 Views:
1. Pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of furniture surface. Timing with pure cotton dry soft cloth gently wipe the surface dust, every once in a while, with wring the moisture of the wet cotton silk furniture nooks and corners of the dust carefully wiped, and then dry with clean soft muslin. In case of stains, a clean rag can be used to soak in expired milk, and then use the rag to wipe the table and other wooden furniture, remove dirt effect is very good, and finally wipe again with water, suitable for a variety of furniture.
2, avoid using alcohol, gasoline or other chemical solvents to remove stains. Furniture surface if there are stains, do not rub hard, can be used warm tea gently remove stains, until the moisture volatilized in the original part coated with a little light wax, and then lightly wipe several times to form a protective film.
3. Keep away from heat. In winter, it is best to put the furniture in the distance from the heating flow 1 meters away from the place, to avoid a long time of higher baking, so that the wood local cracking, bending deformation and local deterioration of the paint film.


